Battle Princess Madelyn funded, headed to Wii U & Switch next year

Battle Princess Madelyn first debuted on Kickstarter a few days ago and I’ve been hesitant to write about it, but it was so well received that it met its funding goal and several stretch goals in just five days. Casual Bit’s game new retro platformer highly resembles the Ghouls n’ Ghosts gameplay that Capcom hasn’t embraced since the early 2000s.

The Kickstarter had a starting target of $45,000 USD and has so far managed to raise around $80,000 USD for the project with about 25 days left to campaign. There are still some stretch goals that haven’t been hit, including a new level and a PS Vita version.

Right now, the game is confirmed to be headed to Nintendo Switch and Wii U sometime next year, while PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions are being considered after that. If you like retro hardcore platformers like Ghouls n’ Ghosts (one of my favorites), then you might consider pledging to the Kickstarter to help more Nintendo-supporting developers.

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