Battle of the browsers: Chrome vs Safari

In the battle of the browsers Google Chrome´s first win seems to be against Apple´s Safari. According to Web metrics company Net Applications Chrome is moving into Apple´s third place in the global browser market.

The sudden change is, in part, due to the different way Net Applications used to measure, it has changed its method so that countries with less users are represented fairly.

God knows why, I´d much rather have the raw numbers, why not set up a second set of numbers for people interested fair representation?

Due to the new method Safari went down steeply from 8.4% in May to the new July share of just 4.1%. “Since Mac share in the U.S. is significantly higher than the rest of the world,”said the company, “Mac and Safari shares drop in the global reports.”

With Chrome coming in at 2.6%, Safari should be feeling them breathing down their neck. At this rate, Chrome will surpass Safari within a year.