Aonuma says Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword could see HD release


It looks like Wind Waker HD might not be the only Zelda title we see getting the HD treatment. In a recent interview with Polygon, series producer Eiji Aonuma stated that both Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword were experimented with in terms of HD, but the team ultimately settled on Wind Waker HD because of its already stylized appearance. Now it looks like the other two could be revisted in the future:

“I can’t say that the possibility is zero that those will be made into HD, but right now I need to work on the next installation in the series so I don’t have the bandwidth to do that right now. But maybe it will happen if someone else does it.”

This is interesting, as it would be the third time Twilight Princess would be released and Skyward Sword is barely two years old itself. What do you think of this news?