Analyst says Nintendo NX portable coming in 2016, console in 2017


Yesterday was rife with rumors about the Nintendo NX after an equities firm upgraded their outlook on Nintendo’s performance for this year, based on what they believe the company will do in 2016. If you’re interested in seeing that full report, you can click here.

The report states that the firm believes based on information released that Nintendo is prepping the NX for launch during November 2016. The report states that it’s possible the portable version of the NX will launch in 2016, possibly with a price point of $200-$300 dollars, while the console portion will launch in 2017.

As always these equity reports by companies are purely based on speculation that revolves around press news and what we know about patent filings for Nintendo. Nothing is confirmed from this, but it seems likely that Nintendo could launch the portable portion of the console first, especially given how well the Nintendo 3DS family of systems has done for them over the course of their lifetime.