Ackkstudios working on Earthbound-inspired RPG for Wii U

Ackkstudios–the developer of Two Brothers–has released a teaser of their upcoming project currently known as Project Y2K. Speaking on the NeoGAF forums, the developers have stated that the game is a 3D RPG for the Wii U eShop that takes inspiration from Earthbound and The World Ends With You. The current title lends itself to the project as the game takes place at the end of the year 1999. The post on the Ackkstudios blog mentioning the project says:

Two Brothers is still our main project. We began Project Y2K before we started Two Brothers and put it on hold to finish Two Brothers, as it was a smaller project.

Everyone who has completed work on Two Brothers is now working on Project Y2Kā€¦ so thatā€™s about a third of the AckkStudios Team.

Now that Two Brothers is nearing completion, we felt it was time to return to Project Y2K. Project Y2K currently exists in a few formsā€¦ concept art, a finalized script/story line, a completed graphics/gameplay engine.

As for the title Project Y2K, we can tell you that the reason weā€™ve chosen this project name is because the game will begin January 1st 1999 at 12:02 AMā€¦

The concept seems very interesting and if anyone is able to pull of “old system charm”, it’s this studio. The picture above is taken from Two Brothers, which the studio is currently working on as a tribute to old Game Boy RPGs. The game was originally funded on Kickstarter and is intended for release on the Wii U eShop sometime this year. I wouldn’t be surprised if w don’t see another Kickstarter for Project Y2K in the near future, so Earthbound fans should keep an eye out for that.

Let us know what you think about this development in the comments below.
