12,000 gamers want Dark Souls 2 on the Wii U

Dark Souls is known for being one of the most challenging games out there, and because of that, it’s got a huge fan base of gamers who just love to die over, and over, and over again. Namco Bandai recently announced the sequel, Dark Souls 2, for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

This made Wii U owners feel left out, and so a petition to get Dark Souls 2 on the Wii U was started. Currently the petition has over 12,000 signatures.

If you think these kinds of petitions are useless, think again. Dark Souls was originally released on the PS3 and Xbox 360. PC gamers felt left out and started a petition, which reached over 90,000 signatures. This made developer From Software to reconsider their stance, and they eventually released a PC version.

So if you’re interested in getting one of the most hard core games on the Wii U, go and sign the petition. Hopefully the developers and publishers will notice it.

Dark Souls 2 Wii U